Pixel Hodoscope

A matrix of cosmic ray detectors which produces 81-pixel live images as cosmic rays pass through and creating music.

Called a Hodoscope (from the Greek “hodos” for way or path, and “skopos:” an observer) it is a type of detector commonly used in particle physics that make use of an array of detectors to determine the trajectory of a particle.

This detector measures muons with an array of Geiger–Müller tubes – the very same type of tube used in a Geiger Counter for measuring radiation.

SI-22GGeiger-Müller Tube (GMT) SI-22G

In this Hodoscope,  design 18 Geiger–Müller tubes are arranged in an X/Y matrix of 9 tubes oriented on an X-axis and 9 tubes on a Y-axis.

Matrix9x9layoutWhen a muon flies through both layers of the array, it will trigger two tubes simultaneously. By measuring the output coincidence detected between the top and bottom layers it indicates the location of where it passed through.


To further minimise background radiation shielding (brass plates) is also placed between the layers of tubes and also method of called coincidence detection.



HV_Reg_power HVRPS01

Live generative graphics and music using an Arduino Mega and Ethernet Sheild over a network to a computer running software called Processing (PDE) and MaxMSP.



Arduino Mega 2560 R3
W5100 Ethernet Shield
